The Profound Impact of™: Beyond Monetary Benefits


In my journey with™, I often pondered whether our product truly makes a difference in the world and brings meaningful change to people’s lives. Beyond the financial gains, are we adding significant value to individuals and organizations?

Life is fleeting, and I am committed to ensuring that what we are building at has a profound impact. Creating a product that genuinely matters to people and organisations is challenging if it focuses solely on monetary benefits.

Recently, I stumbled upon an article that offered a fresh perspective on building a product that goes beyond financial advantages. It highlighted the importance of creating something that brings efficiency, enhances life experiences, and adds substantial value.

The article discussed a seminal paper, “MAN ON A BICYCLE,” published in Scientific American in 1973.

A Study on Efficiency: Human vs. Machine

The article states, “In March 1973, S.S. Wilson published an 11-page article in Scientific American, highlighting the results of a study comparing the efficiency of locomotion across various animals. Different species, from snakes to great cats to birds, were ranked by the energy they spend to move 1 kilogram of their mass 1 kilometre. While humans performed well, they were not the best: an unaided walking man consumes about 0.75 calories per gram per kilometre, lagging behind a horse or a salmon. The condor topped the list, utilizing its large wingspan and air currents to move with unparalleled efficiency.

The study did not stop there. Wilson also included various machines in the comparison and discovered that ‘with the aid of a bicycle, a man’s energy consumption for a given distance is reduced to about a fifth (roughly 0.15 calories per gram per kilometre).’ Remarkably, this significant extension of human capabilities comes with no environmental cost and minimal additional mass. From an energy efficiency standpoint, a man on a bicycle surpasses a man in a car or a jet plane.”

The Humble Bicycle: A Revolutionary Impact

It is intriguing why such a simple device as the bicycle has profoundly accelerated technology. The answer lies in its sheer humanity. The bicycle’s purpose is to make individual movement easier, achieving this in a way that surpasses natural evolution.

Apart from increasing unaided speed by a factor of three or four, the cyclist improves their efficiency rating to No. 1 among moving creatures and machines. Beyond efficiency, the bicycle grants the rider more time, enabling them to increase their value in other pursuits.

Inspiring™‘s Product Development

This article inspired me to plan our product development activities at™ with a focus on humanity. We aim to create a product that is not just financially beneficial but significantly valuable to people’s lives.

Our criteria for making™‘s product highly valuable are:

  1. Improving Efficiency by At Least Four Times:
    • Similar to how a bicycle enhances human efficiency, our goal is for™ to dramatically improve productivity. For example, if users spend 4 hours monitoring machines, they should spend just 1 hour with the help of™’s intelligent tool.
  2. Saving Time for More Valuable Work:
    • Like a bicycle saving time and inspiring humans to do more, our tool should enable users to focus on more critical tasks. By eliminating repetitive and mundane activities, users can establish better systems and understand their machines more deeply, making them more valuable professionals.
    •™’s tool should provide real-time operational parameters of machines, their running, and health status, allowing users to avoid unnecessary factory time anticipating failures. Instead, they can deeply understand machine behaviour to enhance efficiency, plan for spare parts, and schedule maintenance jobs effectively.


The “Man on a Bicycle” inspired us to build a product that improves efficiency and helps users become more valuable professionals. When our product achieves this, it truly matters.

Does your product matter to the users?

We’d love to hear your thoughts. Please share this article with your colleagues in the industry and let’s start a conversation about creating products that make a real difference.